PromoCultura is a culture cooperative that since 1998 has been promoting the importance of reading as well as of properly managing our cultural assets.
Started from an idea of three young Cultural Heritage Preservation students at the University of Pisa, the cooperative has grown by enrolling young local graduates and by specializing in providing high-quality cultural, library, archival, museum and tourism services.
PromoCultura manages mostly cultural services, in the private sector or outsourced, for local municipalities and institutions.
With more than 100 employees, almost all members of the cooperative, we are present in many libraries and historical archives belonging to the ReaNet documentary network in the Empolese Valdelsa and lower Valdarno areas. We also provide our services to documentary networks in the areas of Pistoia, Firenze, Pisa, Siena, Grosseto, Lucca and Massa/Carrara.
PromoCultura provides ticket office, reception desk, and educational services for the main museums in the MUDEV Museum Empolese Valdelsa System, such as Vinci’s Museo Leonardiano and Leonardo’s house. We also manage a few tourist offices across the area, as well as organize the activities of Museo Archeologico e d’arte della Maremma in Grosseto and of the Cassero per la scultura in Montevarchi.